ნიადაგის საზომი PH/MOISTURE/LIGHT
Soil pH
Soil pH is also called “soil reaction”. It is the acid-base reaction of the soil solution. Mainly depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil solution, expressed in pH. A solution with a pH value equal to 7 is a neutral solution; a pH value less than 7 is an acidic reaction; a pH value greater than 7 is an alkaline reaction. Soil pH can generally be divided into the following levels:
pH soil pH
<4.5 Very strong acid
4.5—5.5 Strong acid
5.5—6.5 Acidity
6.5—7.5 Neutral
7.5—8.5 Alkaline
8.5—9.5 Strong alkaline
>9.5 Very strong alkaline